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Predrag Mijatovic

Predrag Mijatovic
CountrySerbia and Montenegro 
NamePredrag Mijatovic
Place of BirthPodgorica
Latest TeamSırbistan Karadağ

Club Statistics Overview

Full Time Other Statistics
M 1 0 2 Line Up Substitution Yellow Card Second Yellow Card Red Card
281 %48 %24 %28 70 98 250 31 35 1 0

International Statistics Overview

Full Time Other Statistics
M 1 0 2 Line Up Substitution Yellow Card Second Yellow Card Red Card
18 %44 %28 %28 72 3 16 2 0 0 0
  • Statistics

Player Summary

Player Predrag Mijatovic was born on 19.01.1969 55 years old. Predrag Mijatovic's country is Serbia and Montenegro . Predrag Mijatovic's last team is Sırbistan Karadağ .Predrag Mijatovic played total 300 matches.

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